
For developers

When you change a string in a template or in a web server, you have to generate again the file cms/locale/cms.pot. To do so, run this command from the root of the repository.

xgettext -o cms/locale/cms.pot --language=Python --no-location \
  --keyword=_:1,2 --keyword=N_ --keyword=N_:1,2 --width=79 \
  cms/grading/*.py cms/grading/*/*.py cms/server/*.py \
  cms/server/contest/*.py cms/server/contest/handlers/*.py \

When you have a new translation, or an update of an old translation, you need to update the cms.mo files (the compiled versions of the cms.po files). You can run ./prerequisites.py build_l10n to update all translations, and the usual python setup.py install to install them.

Alternatively, run the following inside the root of the repository.

msgfmt cms/locale/<code>/LC_MESSAGES/cms.po -o cms/locale/<code>/LC_MESSAGES/cms.mo

And then copy the compiled .mo files to the appropriate folder. You may have to manually create the directory tree. Note that, to have the new strings, you need to restart the web server.

For translators

To begin translating to a new language, run this command, from cms/locale/.

mkdir -p <two_letter_code_of_language>/LC_MESSAGES
msginit --width=79 -l <two_letter_code_of_language>/LC_MESSAGES/cms

Right after that, open the newly created cms.po and fill the information in the header. To translate a string, simply fill the corresponding msgstr with the translations. You can also use specialized translation softwares such as poEdit and others.

When the developers update the cms.pot file, you do not need to start from scratch. Instead, you can create a new cms.po file that merges the old translated string with the new, to-be-translated ones. The command is the following, run inside cms/locale/.

msgmerge --width=79 <code>/LC_MESSAGES/cms.po cms.pot > <code>/LC_MESSAGES/cms.new.po

You can now inspect the newly created cms.new.po and, if you are satisfied, move it to cms.po and finish the translation.